Heritage- what do you leave behind?

Personal Branding Photoshoot for Corrina Tough PhotographyCourage, kindness, friendship,character. These are the qualities that define us as human beings, and propel us, on occasion, to greatness. R.J Palacio

After a very long absence (apologies) I am back on deck and hoping to have regular blog posts for you all. Life, health and family took priority last year and I just had to pare back and take stock. That gave me much time to reflect and to go inside myself as well as looking at the fabric of my life and my legacy.

You may think what has all this got to do with weddings or portraits or personal branding? In a way they are inextricably linked. As a photographer I have a strong ethos in my work to educate my clients in the importance of creating, documenting and then printing beautiful imagery to be preserved and loved by future generations but, photographing people is the culmination of preserving who you are! Who you are is your job. I got to wondering Who am I? What am I leaving behind in the world? Am I doing good? How will I be remembered? What impact will I make?


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“Courage, kindness, friendship,character. These are the qualities that define us as human beings, and propel us, on occasion, to greatness”. R.J Palacio . Author of best selling Novel ‘Wonder’
That is what I continually aspire to ….. greatness that is culminated in me having those attributes first and foremost. I hope on the day I die I am remembered for impacting the world in this way and leave a legacy in my children to do the same.  I never want anything in my life to hinder  me being kind, courageous, friendly and to have a character of integrity, honesty and love. Something to think about? I read a quote recently about what we fill ourselves with will spill out of us when life throws its curve balls our way- So I want to make it my mission to fill myself with goodness, love and positivity and words of wisdom that it may overflow out of me as I journey through 2018.

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Gratitude is another aspect I want to focus on this year. I have always been a grateful person but I want to really focus on specific gratitude and intention to be grateful as well as the aspects mentioned in the quote above. When we are truly grateful we focus on all the good and that is a place of growth, renewal and contentment.

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I was impacted very deeply when I had these images taken. The first one is in my village in South West France and was taken by my friend and fellow photographer /www.byrachelv.photography

The other beautiful images were taken in my favorite city in the world Paris by my friend, amazing photographer and mentor http://carlacoulson.com/

As a photographer I make it my mission to take the most beautiful, deep and special images of my clients- I know firsthand how life changing it can be and how important to document who we are.

Sending love for you all into the coming year xx